Failed Job Interview? Reasons Why You Failed Your Job Interview & How To Bounce Back

failed job interviewSo you’ve finally landed your dream job interview.

You practice interviewing questions, revamp and print multiple copies of your resume, shine your shoes and dry clean your suit.

You’re ready and your big, albeit, nerve wrecking day is here.

Now you wait to hear back.

And just like that, you receive the dreaded news that the employer has decided to go in another direction.


What happened?

Here are three reasons why you failed your job interview and how you can come back from it.

Failed Job Interview?Address The Issues

1. You didn’t prepare

You practiced interviewing questions but did you take the time to complete thorough research of the interviewing company? Did you understand their mission and vision and how it aligns with yours? Were you able to speak to their culture and show that you are the right fit? Were you prepared to communicate the company’s goals and how you can help accomplish them? Many candidates make the mistake of focusing on getting the job and the salary that they sometimes overlook the company itself.

Before the interview, prepare by visiting the company’s website – you’ll learn about new projects that they are working on, their mission and vision statements, company culture and a plethora of information that you can keep in your arsenal to impress the interviewer. Read the company’s blog, follow their social media feeds, ask your friends or family members who are working for the organization, inquire about the company from recruiters, and read employee reviews on job boards.

Preparation is critical because employers browse through hundreds of applications for a single position. Therefore, applicants who display enthusiasm to be part of a company and work as a team will always get picked. The secret weapon? Research. After all, what better way to show this than taking the initiative to learn all there is to know about the company and your prospective employer?

2. You didn’t sell yourself

Most job seekers tend to be uncomfortable selling their skills, but ultimately, this is a necessary step that you can’t avoid. Job hunting is a competition where only the ones that stand out triumphs. If you don’t sell yourself, how can you convince the employer that you are the right person for the job? From the outset, you should begin to develop a mindset that you are the best candidate for the position, and you have what it takes to be successful.

So, tell them about your past successes and accomplishments. Talk about projects that you headed and goals that you exceeded. Tell them about you saving the company money and improving customer service. This what your interviewer(s) want to hear. Be enthusiastic and confident about what you bring to the table, and answer their questions precisely and passionately.

3. You didn’t write a thank you letter

Who would have thought that sending a simple letter of gratitude after a job interview could mean the difference between acceptance and failure? Well, it turns out this is an often-overlooked strategy that has helped many job seekers land their dream position.

Taking the time and effort to write a thank you letter when other applicants ignore this step completely, leaves a big impression on the interviewer. It shows that you respect him and the time he allotted to consider hiring you. What’s even better is that these letters give you second opportunity to remedy any mistakes you may have made during the interview and reiterate some further points. And as a bonus, you get to showcase your writing skills. Just be sure to start the letter expressing your appreciation before expounding further.

These are a few reasons why you may have bombed an interview and failed to land a position. As devastating as this experience can be, don’t dwell. Instead, begin taking the necessary steps to prepare for your future job interviews by employing these tips. You’re halfway closer to getting the job you’ve always wanted.

Can you think of other reasons why someone failed a job interview? Leave them in the comments below and let’s keep the conversation going.


Dr. Derrick E. Haynes — YourCareerDoctor

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